One of my goals with LikeTreesPlanted is to create Free Resources to share with you to help strengthen your soul, mind, heart, and relationships. Today’s post is one such resource… I hope you enjoy!

Questions to Spark Meaningful Conversations

I created a Question List to help families and small groups foster fun and meaningful conversations together. Some of the questions are purely fun and silly. Others are deeper and more serious. The point of all of them, though, is to spark conversations beyond “how are you?” “how was your day?” and “I’m good – how are you?” “my day was good…”

Sometimes all you need is a good prompt to spark the conversation – a good question to get you talking, sharing stories, and learning something new about each other beyond the routine daily check-in.

Having something unique and specific to discuss can help you to avoid the rut of talking about the same things over and over again. Not that you shouldn’t ask how each other is doing, but if every time you talk is like “how are you?” “I’m good how are you?” then it can start to feel like you are having conversational déjà vu.

Instead, having some specific topics or questions to discuss or a chapter of a book you’re reading together or a podcast you’re listening to can help you focus on the positives and how you are building your relationships rather than just enduring another day on repeat. This is especially true for married couples whose days are generally the same from one day to the next.

Feel free to use this list for yourself, or to pass along to others if it can be a help during family conversations and small group interations:

I regularly counsel with people who are seeking advice for strengthening their marriages and their relationships with their kids. I have shared a variety of resources and ideas and encouragement that many have implemented with success.

If I can be a support to you with anything like that, please email me here anytime at Remember that pastors and counselors are confidential people to talk with, listen, process, and pray through the things you are experiencing. We are here to help you – just let us know how we can best encourage and support you, your soul, your heart, your mind, and your relationships.