Throughout our nation’s history, millions of brave men and women have served in our military, and hundreds of thousands have laid down their lives for our country. The freedoms and the security that we enjoy in the United States have come at a high cost, paid for by their service and their sacrifice.

So we pause on Memorial Day weekend to remember and to reflect with humility and gratitude upon the lives and the deaths of those gone before us. Some of them we knew; many of them we didn’t. But for all of them, what they gave us in death, we get to enjoy in life. And we continue their fight today so that our loved ones may live freely and sleep securely.

Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

If you know of Soldiers who perished in combat, or from complications resulting from combat, I invite you to hold their names before the Lord during the following prayer. And if you don’t personally know of any specific Soldiers to remember this Memorial Day, then please join in this prayer in general for all those who have gone before and surrendered their lives on our behalf, and on behalf of the great nation we get to enjoy:

A Memorial Day Prayer

Almighty and Eternal God, we honor today those courageous men and women – our sons and daughters, husbands and wives, fathers and brothers, sisters and mothers – who have laid down their lives for our country. Whether weary or emboldened, quiet or defiant, vulnerable or ready when You called them home, their sacrifice is too humbling for words except those uttered through lips of sober appreciation and prayer.

Loving LORD, please bless them forever in Your eternal peace. Let the sounds of strife, the cries of battle, the wounds of war be calmed for all eternity in Your loving and endless grace. Let these great warriors find rest at last, ever reminded that we who are left behind cherish their spirit, honor their commitment, and send them our love. We will never forget the sacrifice they gave, nor the high cost of the freedoms and security we enjoy.

With humble hearts we pray, oh LORD – Amen.